Day 33 Status Report
I knew it had been awhile since I posted, but then Johnboy gave me a gentle nudge and I said I've got to give an update.
The jb100 is still alive and well and a 40 minute bike ride earlier tonight completed day 33. Exercise is so good for people with diabetes and I have really been reaping the benefits, especially in the bG range. Most of the time my readings have been very good... most of the time. There is still the occasional dietary indiscretion or missed carb estimate that throws me above 200 and I guess there will always be. Exercise manages to cover a multitude of these sins, however.
Another benefit is that I've lost between 6 and 8 pounds, depending on the day and how gently I step on the scales. At this point I'm not too concerned with my weight as my BMI currently calculates to 22.4. What I really want to work on the next 33 days (or however long it takes) is reducing my waist size. If I could drop 3" in jean sizes I would be delighted. I'm really trying to avoid that middle-age belly that so many guys get, so as of a few days ago I've incorporated 50 crunches and a bicycling type manuever that's helping to tighten those abs. I may have to 'kick it up' a couple more notches to achieve the results I striving for. I'll see how it goes.
My posting may continue to be light as I am in hot pursuit of a job or contract work, whichever appears first. I'm also trying to upgrade my skills on some .NET (pronounced 'dot net') developer software as well as pursing a certification or two. I've got a good handle on a couple of these areas but still not as comfortable as I want to be before sitting for an exam. A day is never complete, however, without checking the blogs of my fellow OC'ers.
Peace and good bG's to all.